
See our flagship NFT project: idDOG

Lifestyle Investor. Mentor.

I’m Anahata Graceland, but I go by “Rare”.
Join me on the forefront of evolutionary disruption in Web 2.0 & 3.0 technologies.


See our flagship NFT project: idDOG

Lifestyle Investor. Mentor.

I’m Anahata Graceland, but I go by “Rare”.
Join me on the forefront of evolutionary disruption in Web 2.0 & 3.0 technologies.


See our flagship NFT project: idDOG

Lifestyle Investor. Mentor.

I’m Anahata Graceland, but I go by “Rare”.
Join me on the forefront of evolutionary disruption in Web 2.0 & 3.0 technologies.

  • I’ve unfolded my natural entrepreneurship and generated successful business.  I’ve learned about money, about new technology, about the future of our planet.

    Amy Schefer

  • If you have a project or vision you want to bring to life, she is without a doubt the person to engage.

    Kate Anderson

  • With her encouragement and vision, I continually think bigger about my business, which in turn teaches me that I can become more.

    Aaron Schmookler

  • I would recommend her services and mentorship to anyone desirous of great change, who wants to effect whatever goals they set out for their life.  

    Julie Celleri

  • My business has grown and now I have lots of customers comment how wonderful the service is that i provide for them. This is all thanks to Rare helping me develop effective systems and skills that help me succeed. 

    Lisa Gersten

  • The tools Rare provides for desired change on my Journey are simply put… piping hot and awesome.

    Sebastian Schefer

About Rare

I believe we human beings were made to create.

Creativity is a process, rooted in an urge for change that is at the heart of all human beings. It’s the process of breaking down an idea and recreating it beyond where it existed before in complete newness!

I created a model of consciousness based on this understanding known as Transmuter Technology™

This creativity at our core is, in essence, the Entrepreneurial Spirit.

We are driven to build, innovate, and bring a dream to life.

The entrepreneur’s journey engages the magnificence of personal evolution. In addition to a new business, we gain wisdom, skills, and relationships for life.

My entrepreneurial journey started at 11 years old (over half a century ago), leading me from the fishing docks of Massachussets, around the world, and into the new world of Web 3.0.


My 4-Quadrant approach to life & business

Building a healthy and successful business doesn't just happen overnight. It takes a well-rounded, balanced approach to life to create something that will withstand the test of time and create joy in your life.

I develop businesses that follow rhythms that I believe are important in my own personal development model of creativity.

It involves 4 quadrants that not only classify the type of expression or activity, but they also represent the different stages of development of my businesses.

Quadrant 1

Nothing to something.

The art of going from a blank slate to an inspiration or idea. Resting in the passion of life to the birth of an intuitive inspiration.

Quadrant 2

Inspiration in motion.

The plan. Architecting a business with systems that work well for scaling and genuine care for who they serve.

Quadrant 3

The build & successful operation.

Stabilizing the operational structure of a successful business.

Taking the steps of the plan full circle, implementing systems that unlock scale, and creating relationships of value.

Quadrant 3

Legacy building.

Stability, flow, and longevity have been established. Now it’s time to share the spoils of wisdom gained, to serve others, and to roll into another round of creation.

For animal-lovers


My flagship NFT project

Inspired by our best friends and guardians - dogs!

We protect and guardian the lives of those we serve, people and animals alike from every walk of life with 24/7 care through the use of BlockchainDNATM.

Royal Frenchel

My award-winning Bulldog crossbreed

I created this French Bulldog crossbreed that lives 1 .5x longer and has 10x better health than other bulldogs.

Royal Frenchel are the “Royalty” of service and companion dogs.

Protect your animals!

The Dog Safety Guide for Your Home offers important information on potential risks that can harm your dog.

Learn to avoid hazards that can make the difference between life and death

Full color pictures to ensure the safety of your four-legged friends

Techniques to keep dogs safe with minimal effort and cost

For animal-lovers


My flagship NFT project

Inspired by our best friends and guardians - dogs!

We protect and guardian the lives of those we serve, people and animals alike from every walk of life with 24/7 care through the use of BlockchainDNATM.

Royal Frenchel

My award-winning Bulldog crossbreed

I created this French Bulldog crossbreed that lives 1 .5x longer and has 10x better health than other bulldogs.

Royal Frenchel are the “Royalty” of service and companion dogs.

Protect your animals!

The Dog Safety Guide for Your Home offers important information on potential risks that can harm your dog.

Learn to avoid hazards that can make the difference between life and death

Full color pictures to ensure the safety of your four-legged friends

Techniques to keep dogs safe with minimal effort and cost

It’s not hyperbole to say I wouldn’t be where I am now had I not crossed paths with the Rare Bird
I’ve unfolded my natural entrepreneurship and generated successful business.  I’ve learned about money, about new technology, about the future of our planet. There are so many things I could say, so many ways my life has changed expand it improved blossomed in the last 20+ years of knowing the rare bird.

— Brad Ellisor

Let’s get in touch

Let’s get in touch

Reach out and let me know how I can help!

"This is the essential element that cannot be measured by any analysis or device, and I believe it's at the heart of success in all things:

The power of intuition, and the ability to harness and use it like a master. "

Garry Kasparov

"This is the essential element that cannot be measured by any analysis or device, and I believe it's at the heart of success in all things:

The power of intuition, and the ability to harness and use it like a master. "

Garry Kasparov

© 2022 The Rare Bird. All rights reserved.

